With the price of fruits and vegetables higher than ever at the grocery store, many people are starting to consider growing their own at home. For those of us not fortunate enough to have acres of land on which to grow vegetables, container gardening is a great option!
Almost any fruit or vegetable plant will thrive in a container, provided it has enough room to grow!
Many vegetable plants now come in mini varieties that have been bred specifically to fair well in a pot. These varieties will grow happily in pots all season long, and look attractive too. But if your real purpose is to grow lots of vegetables to eat, then you'll get bigger yields with full sized plants.
The following plants will do particularly well in containers:
Tomatoes are often the first choice for people growing vegetables in containers, and indeed, they're one of the most popular growing fruits in the world. The key to success with tomatoes is a combination of good soil, and getting the watering just right.
Potatoes are a great choice for container gardening. You'll be surprised at how large your yields will be growing potatoes in tubs, or even plastic bags!
These are also surprisingly easy to grow, and produce unexpectedly large yields in the proper growing conditions. Just be sure to wait until early summer to plant them outside, as they do not like the cold!
Green Beans & Runner Beans
Beans can be expensive at the grocery store, but they're very inexpensive to grow! They drink lots of water, but with the right soil and a few well-placed canes, you'll get great results!
Pepper (capsicum) come in a variety of vibrant colours and grow happily in pots, provided they have lots of room. Try a 5 litre pot for each plant.
Strawberries are an absolute must for container gardening! They're delicious, and perfectly happy to grow in pots.